Thursday, December 23, 2010

POOL magazine

Over Diwali break Sudhir Sharma; the man behind POOL magazine, happened to come to NID. A conversation took place. The result of which was a photo on the cover of POOL and a spread inside.

This interview changed something in me.

One's opinions and beliefs being placed next to those of stalwarts from the field of design in India makes one feel queer. Queer, because it is a mixed bag of emotions, the effect of which is very humbling.

Thank you Sudhir and POOL team for such ethical journalism. Not a word has been misquoted! 

To browse through the magazine please click here.


  1. wow.. just a couple of weeks old "young designer" and already on a magazine cover!! congratulations!!

  2. Thanks Shiv...
    Would love you feedback on some of the other posts...
